Transfer News: We are both staying here in Cedartown for another 6 weeks. I'm happy about that. I honestly was fine with going or staying where ever the Lord needed me! :)
This was a really great week. Not a lot of huge things happened, but many tender mercies are all around and cool things still happened.
Monday: We had an awesome sisters P-day with all the sisters in our zone up in Dallas, GA. It was pretty fun. I like being with all the sisters. They are all wonderful examples to me. We had a birthday party for all of us, and we brought white elephant gifts.
Then after P-day ended we had an awesome FHE lessons with two of the families in the Branch at the church. We did a "who do you know" referral game. It was really spiritual and enlightening to us all. The object was helping the awesome members overcome their fears to reach out to their friends and families and share the gospel with them! They were able to pray and set plans to reach out to them in the coming days and weeks! :)
Tueday: We had a great district meeting. Then the 18 year old girl that came on a mini mission with us took us to lunch and came on team-ups with us! She is so amazing! She is going to make a wonderful sister missionary. She even approached a lady and her daughter in Subway and gave her a pass along card! Then we did a lot of finding. We met some pretty cool potentials. Then we had a branch activity for pioneer day. That was fun. Then we drove to Dallas for exchanges.
Wednesday: I went on exchanges with a sister I actually came out with. She is from California and a year older than me. I learned so much from her. We worked super hard knocking doors all day! I really learned that it is super important to just state our purpose right up front. That is the way we will find those prepared by the Lord.
Thurdsday: We weakly planned. Then we had a super awesome lesson with one of our awesome investigators Lisa. We found her in Krogers parking lot my first transfer here in Cedartown. She always asks us questions like "now if i get baptized....?" But now her questions are "now when i get baptized...?" She told us that she is not going back to her church and now she needs to pay tithing somewhere haha. She is so on the right path. We got her a big print "Book of Norman" (as she would call it) and she is heaven reading it! We invited her to be baptized and she doesnt want to set a date quite yet because she wants to come to church more! And that is awesome! We want converts! We also taught a hispanic family from Guatemala the Plan of Salvation. Then after the lesson the mom asked how they become members of the church. She just needs to get Sunday's off and then they can all come! I love teaching families! It was so great gathered all around mom, dad, and children talking about God's Plan of Happiness for His children! Such a special spirit!
Friday: We did some family History! I found 34 family ordinances that need to be done! It made me so happy! We went and mopped a older sister's floors from the branch! That was fun! We did some more finding. Then we visited some of our awesome members and less actives. We taught about temples using sidewalk chalk out on the concrete. That was fun.
Saturday: We went to Rome for a service project in the community to clean up an abandoned all blacks cemetery. It is 18 acres and it barely looked like we scratched it! Sister Sundwall and I had the funnest job! We went around with big metal poles and poked around all the graves cuz they were sunken in to find the head stones. Then we dug them out! We found like 16 head stones from the 1800s! This is going to help family history so much! It was super fun, but we were pooped afterwards. Oh yeah we got to talk to this awesome guy in Spanish that wasn't a member! Then we had dinner with the senior missionary couple serving in our Branch. Then we visited some other cool investigators! We visited Odell and finished teaching him the commandments! He has been sick alot the past couple of weeks so it was really hard to meet with him. He is doing really well now, and he is so excited to be baptized on Saturday the 23rd!
Sunday: Church was fantastic! I love church!! Sunday's are definitely my most favorite days! We had a spanish less active at church, so i translated as usual. Odell and Lisa came! Then we ate lunch with a member sister in the park after church. We visited one of the recent converts of the elders. She has so much fire to live the gospel! Then we went to a Fireside in Rome, GA (about 30 minutes away) for investigators and recent converts. Odell came and loved it. We watched the first vision, and during the movie Odell leaned over and said in his thick accent and deep voice"this bout Joseph Smith right?" All us missionaries were asked to bear our testimony on the Book of Mormon and the Restoration of the Gospel. That was a cool opportunity!
I love being here in Georgia as a missionary! I am so grateful for this opportunity that the Lord has blessed me with. Honestly is it quite a privileged. I used to think before my mission that i was sacrificing these 18 months, but no. I am blessed and privileged with these 18 months to be serving the Lord.
I want ya'll to know that I love you. The Lord loves you. Your Heavenly Father loves you. A scripture came to my mind just barely in Moroni 8:3 "i am mindful of you always in my prayers, continually praying unto God the Father in the name of his Holy Child, Jesus, that he, through his infinite goodness and grace, will keep you through the endurance of faith on his name to the end." We have the Gospel in our lives. We have each other. We have the Savior. We have it all. From the words of a loving apostle, "Keep trying. Keep trusting. Keep believing. Keep growing. Heaven with be cheering you on today, tomorrow, and forever."
Hermana Stewart :) xoxo
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